Hi, my name is

Sheeba Hashmi

I’m a Software Engineer specializing in creating customer-oriented applications. My interest in programming started as a kid trying to build my own games using Scratch which led me to the decision of becoming an engineer. Currently I am focused on building robust user-friendly applications at SS&C Technologies

Feel free to connect with me on following social platforms:


Bloom Institute of Technology

September 2021 - April 2022

NED University of Engineering & Technology

August 2015 - December 2019


Software Engineer @ SS&C Technologies

July 2022 - Present

So far, I have worked with:


Underdog Devs

Underdog Devs is a group of software developers supporting the formerly incarcerated & disadvantaged in their transition into the software industry. Apprenticeship with Bloom Institute of Technolgy.

React Node PostgreSQL Jest Swagger UI
African Marketplace

An online marketplace which allows small business owners to register and create listing for items that they have for sale. This project was made for educational purposes at Bloom Institute of Technology.

Express PostgreSQL JWT Jest Heroku
Buddies Chat Application

A chat application using React and Supabase where users can login and join chat rooms to connect with other users.

React Supabase Bootstrap MySQL
Programming Quotes Machine

A random programming quotes generator using React and Axios, allowing users to share quotes on different social media platforms.

React Axios Redux Vercel
Planner Application

A task management application using Angular and Java Springboot to keep track of users task through basic CRUD operations on a MySQL relational database

Angular Java Springboot Maven
Lambda Eats

An online pizza delivery application, using React and React Router, allowing users to customize their orders. This project was made for education purposes at Bloom Institute of Technology.

React Axios Cypress Vercel